Published papers
Troina GC, Pakhomov EA, Weitkamp L, Somov A, Hunt BPV (2024) The Hunger Games: Stable isotopes indicate winter inter-guild competition for resources by marine meso-predators in the sub-Arctic North Pacific. Ecology and Evolution.
Troina GC, Teixeira CR, Dehairs F, Secchi ER, Botta S (2023) Potential biases in dietary interpretation derived from stable isotope analysis of small dolphin teeth. Marine Environmental Research.
Teixeira CR, Troina GC, Daura-Jorge FG, Simões-Lopes PC, Botta S (2022) A practical guide on stable isotope analysis for cetacean research. Marine Mammal Science.
Troina GC, Riekenberg P, Van Der Meer MTJ, Botta S, Dehairs F, Secchi ER (2021) Combining isotopic analysis of bulk-skin and individual amino acids to investigate the trophic position and foraging areas of multiple cetacean species in the western South Atlantic. Environmental Research. 201: 111610.
Paschoalini VU, Troina GC, Campos LB, Santos MCO (2021) Trophic ecology and foraging areas of cetaceans sampled in the coastal waters of southeastern Brazil assessed through skin δ13C and δ15N. Journal of the Marine Biological Association UK. 101(2): 471-480.
Lima RC, Di Tullio JC, Secchi ER, Castro FR, Troina GC (2021) Delphinids Mixed-Species Associations in the Oceanic Waters of the Western South Atlantic. Aquatic Mammals. 47(1): 53-62.
Troina GC, Botta S, Dehairs F, Di Tullio JC, Elskens M, Secchi ER (2020) Skin δ13C and δ15N reveal spatial and temporal patterns of habitat and resource use by free-ranging odontocetes from the southwestern Atlantic Ocean. Marine Biology. 167(12).
Troina GC, Dehairs F, Botta S, Di Tullio JC, Elskens M, Secchi ER (2020) Zooplankton-based δ13C and δ15N isoscapes from the outer continental shelf and slope in the subtropical western South Atlantic. Deep Sea Research Part I. 159: 103235.
Danel S, Troina GC, Dufour V, Bailly-Bechet M, Von Bayern AMP, Osiurak F (2020) Social learning in great white pelicans (Pelecanus onocrotalus): A preliminary study. Learning & Behavior. 48: 344–350.
Troina GC, Botta S, Secchi ER, Dehairs F (2016) Ontogenetic and sexual characterization of the feeding habits of franciscanas, Pontoporia blainvillei, based on tooth dentin carbon and nitrogen stable isotopes. Marine Mammal Science. 32: 1115-1137.
book chapters
Botta S, Bassoi M, Troina GC (2022) Overview of franciscana diet. In: Simoes-Lopes PC, Cremer M (Eds) The Franciscana Dolphin: On the Edge of Survival. Pages 15-48.
submitted/under review
Paschoalini VU, Troina GC, Santos MCO. Carbon and nitrogen stable isotopes show evidence of resource partitioning between spinner dolphins (Stenella longirostris) and large pelagic fishes from the Fernando de Noronha Archipelago (under review in Marine Mammal Science).
Ph.D.: Trophic interactions and ecology of cetaceans from the western South Atlantic. 2019. Universidade Federal do Rio Grande (Brazil)/ Vrije Universiteit Brussel (Belgium).
M.S.: Ontogenetic characterization of the feeding habits of franciscanas, Pontoporia blainvillei, based on stable carbon and nitrogen isotopes. 2013. Vrije Universiteit Brussel.
BSc.: Encalhes de toninhas, Pontoporia blainvillei, no sul do Rio Grande do Sul: tendências temporais na estrutura etária e a sua relação com as capturas acidentais. (Strandings of Franciscana dolphins, Pontoporia blainvillei, in southern Rio Grande do Sul state: temporal trends in age structure and correlation with bycatches). 2009. Universidade Federal do Rio Grande.
Conference talks & Posters
Troina GC, Riekenberg P, van der Meer MTJ, Pakhomov EA, Hunt BPV. Investigating habitat use and trophic overlap among North Pacific predators and their implications for Pacific salmon. PICES 2024 Annual Meeting – The FUTURE of PICES: Science and Sustainability in 2023, October 26-November 1, 2024, Honolulu, HI, USA. (Poster)
Troina GC, Riekenberg P, van der Meer MTJ, Pakhomov EA, Hunt BPV. Combining biochemical tracers and stomach content data reveals high interspecific overlap in resource use by oceanic meso-predators in the sub-Arctic North Pacific. 13th International Conference on the Application of Stable Isotope Techniques in Ecological Studies (ISOECOL), July 29-August 2, 2024, Fredericton, NB, Canada. (Poster)
Troina GC, Riekenberg P, Van Der Meer MTJ, Pakhomov EA, Hunt BPV. Integrating stable isotopes and dietary data to uncover trophic interactions in North Pacific pelagic food webs. Benelux Association for Stable Isotope Scientists (BASIS), April 25-26, 2024, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. (Talk).
Troina GC, Pakhomov EA, Somov A, Hunt BPV. Illuminating the black box of North Pacific salmon food webs: Identifying trophic pathways and interspecific competition through an ecosystem approach. Salmon in a rapid changing world, International Year of the Salmon Synthesis Symposium, 2022, Vancouver, Canada. (Talk)
Troina GC, Riekenberg P, Van Der Meer MTJ, Botta S, Secchi ER. Assessing the trophic ecology and feeding areas of cetaceans in the Southwestern Atlantic Ocean using stable isotopes in bulk skin and in individual amino acids. IsoEcol 2020. (Poster)
Troina GC, Riekenberg P, Van Der Meer MTJ, Botta S, Dehairs F, Secchi ER. Stable isotopes in bulk tissue and in individual amino acids to assess the trophic ecology and feeding areas by cetaceans in the Southwestern Atlantic Ocean. BASIS meeting, 2020, Leuven, Belgium. (Cancelled due to covid-19)
Troina GC, Botta S, Dehairs F, Di Tullio J, Secchi ER. The trophic interactions among cetaceans in the southwestern Atlantic Ocean inferred through stable isotopes. World Marine Mammal Conference, 2019. Barcelona, Spain; (Talk)
Troina GC, Botta S, Elskens M, Dehairs F, Secchi ER. The isotopic niche of odontocetes in the southwestern Atlantic Ocean and its relation to environmental isotopic patterns. 22nd Biennial Conference on the Biology of marine mammals, 2017. Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. (Poster)
Troina GC, Botta S, Elskens M, Dehairs F, Secchi ER. Assessing cetaceans' intra and interspecific trophic interactions and niche width using δ13C and δ15N from basal sources to top predators. Ecology & Behaviour, 2017. Chizé, France. (Talk)
Troina GC, Botta S, Di Tullio J, Dehairs F, Secchi ER. Isotopic niche of delphinids along the outer continental shelf and slope in south-southeastern Brazil. Reunión de Trabajo de Especialistas en Mamíferos Acuáticos de América del Sur y Congreso SOLAMAC, XI Congreso de la Sociedad Latinoamericana de Especialistas en Mamíferos Acuáticos. 2016. Valparaiso, Chile; (Talk)
Tatsch ACC, Troina GC, Botta S, Di Tullio J, Secchi ER. Assessing short and long-term isotopic niche patterns of three Delphinidae species in the South-West Atlantic Ocean. Reunión de Trabajo de Especialistas en Mamíferos Acuáticos de América del Sur y Congreso SOLAMAC, XI Congreso de la Sociedad Latinoamericana de Especialistas en Mamíferos Acuáticos. 2016. Valparaiso, Chile; (Talk)
Lima RC, Di Tullio J, Secchi ER, Castro F, Troina GC. Grupos-mistos de delfinídeos no sudeste-sul do Brasil: distribuição e interações ecológicas. Reunión de Trabajo de Especialistas en Mamíferos Acuáticos de América del Sur y Congreso SOLAMAC, XI Congreso de la Sociedad Latinoamericana de Especialistas en Mamíferos Acuáticos. 2016. Valparaiso, Chile.
Lima RC, Troina GC, Secchi ER. Interações ecológicas entre o golfinho-nariz-de-garrafa (Tursiops truncatus) e o golfinho-pintado-do-atlântico (Stenella frontalis) no sudeste-sul do Brasil através de isótopos estáveis. XXIV Congresso de Iniciação Científica, 2015. Rio Grande, Brazil.
Troina GC, Botta S, Secchi ER, Dehairs F. Analysis of carbon and nitrogen stable isotopes in different Growth Layer Groups in tooth dentin of franciscanas, Pontoporia blainvillei. 16 Reunión de expertos en mamíferos acuáticos de América del sur (RT)/ X Congreso de la sociedad latinoamericana de especialistas en mamíferos acuáticos (SOLAMAC), 2014. Cartagena, Colombia.
Botta S, Albuquerque CQ, Troina GC, Fruet P, Genoves R, Secchi ER. From milk to solids: early-life dietary transitions in bottlenose dolphins as indicated by stable isotopic and trace elemental data in teeth. 16 Reunión de Expertos en Mamíferos Acuáticos de América del Sur/X Congreso de la sociedad latinoamericana de especialistas en mamíferos acuáticos (SOLAMAC), 2014, Cartagena, Colombia.
Troina GC, Botta S, Dehairs F. Feeding habits of franciscanas, Pontoporia blainvillei, based on stable carbon and nitrogen isotopes in tooth dentin. 28th annual conference of the European Cetacean Society. Marine mammals as sentinels of a changing environment. 2014. Liege, Belgium; (Poster)
Troina GC, Botta S, Secchi ER. Estrutura etária de toninhas (Pontoporia blainvillei) encalhadas e capturadas acidentalmente na costa do Rio Grande do Sul (Age structure of Franciscanas (Pontoporia blainvillei) stranded and accidentally captured on the coast of Rio Grande do Sul) At the event: VII Mostra da Produção Universitária, XVII Congresso de Iniciação Científica, 2008. Rio Grande, Brazil; (Talk)
Troina GC, Botta S, Secchi ER. Estrutura etária de encalhes massivos de toninhas (Pontoporia blainvillei) no Rio Grande do Sul como evidência de captura acidental (Age structure in mass strandings of franciscanas (Pontoporia blainvillei) in Rio Grande do Sul, as evidence of bycatch) At the event: III Congresso Brasileiro de Oceanografia, Congresso Íbero-Americano de Oceanografia, 2008. Fortaleza, Brazil; (Poster)
Troina GC, Botta S, Secchi ER. Comparação da estrutura etaria de toninhas (Pontoporia blainvillei) encalhadas e capturadas acidentalmente na costa do Rio Grande do Sul In: XIII REUNIÓN DE TRABAJO DE ESPECIALISTAS EN MAMIFEROS ACUÁTICOS DE AMÉRICA DEL SUR, 7° CONGRESO SOLAMAC, 2008. Montevideo, Uruguay. p.208. (Poster)